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Health & Wellbeing Network Meeting - Westminster wide

 Registration is closed for this event

Social Prescribing is a term that we hear increasingly these days. It describes people positively accessing activities and services in the voluntary and community sector to support their health and wellbeing. Typical activities include befriending, coffee mornings, community theatre, exercise classes, choirs and much, much more.

At the moment this service is being introduced in Westminster and link workers will be put in place to manage referrals. We have therefore put together this timely network meeting on 25 June that focuses on social prescribing - and hope as many organisations as possible will be able to attend to help shape the services and activities on offer to the residents of Westminster. Book your place NOW.



Samia Zaki - The impact of volunteering on people’s Health and Wellbeing: Westminster Case studies, Volunteer Services Officer, One Westminster


Andrew Carpenter, Social Prescribing vision for London: Focusing on Westminster, GLA's Public Champion for Social Prescribing, Office for the Mayor of London


Victor Willmott, Tips on improving fundraising applications from Health and Wellbeing Funder - why do applications fail? How to get evidence of need and outcomes, Director, London Catalyst


How Social Prescribing has worked / is working in Herts Valley, a joint presentation by Mary-Ann Lindsay, Area Manager (West), Herts Help Hospital & Community Navigation Service & Tim Anfilogoff, Commissioner at Herts CCG responsible for Head of Community Resilience and NHSE Social Prescribing Facilitator


Nada Calovska, Chair, Health and Wellbeing Network, Update on Central London CCG MCP programme: Older People’s model of care

Table discussions: Shaping Westminster Social Prescription offer


Organisation updates



*A short break will be allocated in the agenda 

June 25th, 2019 from  1:00 PM to  4:00 PM
All Souls Clubhouse
141 Cleveland Street
London, W1T 6QG
United Kingdom
Phone: 020 7723 1216